October General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
9 October 2019
Held at Camden Council Administration Building, Oran Park
The meeting was opened at 6.14pm.
Welcome – Shaun Pereira, President
Shaun welcomed everyone to the October dinner meeting. He thanked Council for hosting the event and Natalie Herd for the gorgeous pink room setup. Shaun welcomed Mayor Theresa Fedeli and her husband, Camden Councillors, Life Members, Sponsors, Richard Holland of the Sydney Business Chamber, Chamber members, and guests.
Adriana Care – Coutts Solicitors & Conveyancers
President’s Report
Shaun advised:
- 358 attended last month’s Premier’s Breakfast
- Positive feedback from the Premier’s office and currently working with Peter Sidgreave’s office to lock in a date for 2020
- Congratulations to the new Executive of Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce following last month’s AGM
- Pink for October for the McGrath Foundation and Pinking Up Oran Park
- Western Sydney Airport Information Centre with Harry Hunt – the building and timeline are amazing
Secretary’s Report – Jean Galloway, Secretary
Jean advised the Minutes from 14 August and 10 September 2019 were on the website and were moved by Pania Gregson, seconded by Renee Garcia and accepted. No business was arising from those Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Amy Woodley, Treasurer
Amy presented the Treasurers Report as at 30 September 2019. Current total bank balance is $201,375 – mainly due to the sponsorships coming in for Christmas in Narellan. Net Profit being $2,794. The report was moved by Geoff Ellis, seconded by Shaun Pereira and accepted.
Membership Update – Sandra Bartlett, Membership Co-ordinator
An email has gone out to a lot of Chamber members offering to update their details and information on the Chamber’s website. Please reply to the Administration Assistant who will assist to get this done for you.
Current membership is 185 financial members. Will be following up the 14 that haven’t yet renewed.
New members – Craig & Rhodes Pty Ltd, The Beauty Base, Mobile Vehicle Weighing, Wisdom Homes, The Macarthur Chronicle, AGL, C91.3, Razzle Dazzle Hair, Funnells Electrical.
Member’s spotlight video was shown by The Lighting Centre.
Member Spotlight promo draw for November – Peta Borg of Local & Co Hampers.
Members Facebook promo draw – Lyndal Bruce of Lifeline Macarthur.
Shoutouts of thanks to current members – The Lighting Centre, and Camden Mowing.
CRET Update – Debbie Roberts
- October is the month for Breast Cancer, Mental Health and Small Business
- Workplace Wellbeing workshop
- Hosting breakfast – Western Sydney Aerotropolis on 14 November at 7am
- Expressions of Interest for running trainings for CRET in 2020
- Launched CRET YouTube Channel
- For further information go to the website – https://www.cret.com.au/
What’s On – Steve Moore, VP Communications
Steve advised the following upcoming events:
- Campelltown Chamber of Commerce – 16th October at Rydges Campbelltown
- Lifeline Mens Long Lunch – Fri, 18th October at Rydges Campbelltown
- Youth Solutions Trivia Night – Fri, 18th October at Narellan Child Family & Community Centre
- Club Menangle McGrath Foundation Ladies Night – Saturday, 19th October
- MTTEC Barista courses – https://mttec.com.au/course/?code=MCSL&plan=93
- South West Sydney Tourism Taskforce – Hospitality business to go on the map – https://visitsouthwestsydney.com.au
- OCAGI – Paint and Sip experience on 27th October
- Next Narellan Chamber meeting is on 13th November at Camden Valley Inn with guest speaker Pauline Nguyen of Red Lantern Restaurants
Macarthur Business Development Centre – Shaun Pereira
A video was shown of the updates and developments at the Macarthur BDC. Shaun also congratulated the 2 successful scholarship recipients that are currently working with the BDC – Camden Mowing and AbFab Event Decorations.
Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Director
Sue acknowledged all the sponsors – Gold, Silver and Bronze. And the Support Partners and Media Partners.
Sue then introduced the evenings Silver Sponsor for their presentation:
- Gregory Hills Hotel
CIN Update – Ian Wolf, CIN Chairman
Ian Wolf provided the CIN update:
- $118,000 in Sponsorship – thank you mostly to Steve Grabowski and Linda Carmagnola.
- This year will be a “Day on The Green” atmosphere with ever second year having a headline act.
- Thank you to Tony Perich and Narellan Town Centre for greening/grassing up the space for CIN.
- Ian acknowledged and thanked all the sponsors
- A video of the naming rights sponsor – The Beauty Base was played
Speaker Presentation
Shaun introduced the evenings guest speaker – Camden Mayor Theresa Fedeli.
Mayor Fedeli gave an update of what’s happening in Camden.
- Camden is the fastest growing LGA in Australia – Population, New residents per week, Value of DAs, Number of bins, and Cultural diversity
- Western Sydney City Deal
- A partnership between the Australian Government, NSW Government and eight Councils (including Camden)
- 38 commitments under six priority domains – Connectivity, Jobs for the future, Skills and education, Liveability and environment, Planning and housing, Governance and implementation
- Liveability Program – Camden Total $28m for local projects
- Advocacy
- Meetings with Ministers to raise a number of issues on behalf of the community – Public transport infrastructure, Rail, Rapid bus services, Parking / Leppington train station, Leppington strategic centre, Priorities for precinct planning, Sport infrastructure and open space facilities
- Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET)
- Council Supporting Local Businesses
- Improving DA processing times
- Small Business Friendly Councils Program
- Easy To Do Business Program
- Western Sydney University Launch Pad Agreement
- Major Projects Completed
- Camden Town Centre Vision and Urban Design Framework
- Youth Play Space at Sedgewick Reserve, Currans Hill
- Youth Play Space at Harrington Park Lake
- Bandara Circuit Play Space, Spring Farm
- Water Play Space at Curry Reserve, Elderslie
- Curry Reserve Amenities Building, Elderslie
- Major Projects Underway
- Narellan Sports Hub – Stage 2
- Ferguson’s Land Cricket Facility – Stage 1, Camden
- Camden’s first synthetic football field – Nott Oval, Narellan
- Porrende Street, Narellan
- Kirkham Park Playing Fields, Elderslie
- New BMX facility at Kirkham Park, Elderslie
- Ron’s Creek Water Play Space, Oran Park
- Camden’s Women Shelter
- Award winning Council
- Engagement with Schools
- Engagement with Community
- Camden Edition Monopoly
Shaun presented Mayor Fedeli and General Manager Ron Moore with thank you gifts.
Lucky Door Prize
Donated by Gregory Hills Hotel and Local & Co Hampers and won by Mobile Vehicle Weighing
Donated by The Beauty Base and won by Trevor Robinson of The Strictly Limited Company
Donated by Lifeline Macarthur and won by David Harvey of David Harvey Auctions
Closing Remarks – Shaun Pereira
Shaun thanked Camden Council for hosting the evenings meeting, Leanne Wolf and the Executive, and the evenings sponsor Gregory Hills Hotel.
The next meeting is on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 at Camden Valley Inn – 6.00pm for 6.30pm start. Guest speaker is Pauline Nguyen.
The Christmas Party is booked for Wednesday, 11 December and the venue will be advised.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 7.51pm.