November General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
13 November 2019
Held at Camden Valley Inn, Camden
The meeting was opened at 6.42pm.
Welcome – Shaun Pereira, President
Shaun welcomed everyone to the November dinner meeting. He congratulated Camden Valley Inn on their recent relaunch and how impressive the venue is. Shaun welcomed, Life Members, Sponsors, Chamber members, guests and tonight’s speaker Pauline Nguyen.
Brooke Manzione – Youth Solutions
President’s Report
Shaun advised:
- The year has gone fast, 40 days to Christmas
- Many highlights
- Premiers Breakfast
- Launch of the Bronze Sponsorship level
- Highest continuous numbers at meetings (average 130-140)
- Launch of TGIF drinks
- 35 years of the Chamber
- The next 12 months is about advocacy. Shaun, Pania and Steve met with Trevor Oldfield from The Chamber Alliance of Western Sydney (CAWS)
- Please reach out to members of the Board if we can be advocates for you
Shaun announced that today was Tony Perich’s birthday and presented him with a cake to celebrate the occasion.
Scholarship Update
Shaun introduced this years Scholarship recipients for an update.
Natalie Herd (Absolutely Fabulous Event Decorations) and Linda Carmagnola & Jamie Job (Camden Mowing) spoke about how the Scholarship with the Business Development Centre (Geoff Ellis) has assisted their businesses. They thanked everyone for their support.
Secretary’s Report – Jean Galloway, Secretary
Jean advised the Minutes from 9 October 2019 were on the website and were moved by Sue Robinson, seconded by Amy Woodley and accepted. No business was arising from those Minutes.
Jean also thanked everyone who supported the Pink Raffle at the October meeting and raised $2,000 in ticket sales.
Treasurer’s Report – Amy Woodley, Treasurer
Amy presented the Treasurers Report as at 31 October 2019. Current net profit being $1,277 and current Cash at Bank is $203,320. The report was moved by Pania Gregson, seconded by Geoff Rogers and accepted.
Membership Update – Sandra Bartlett, Membership Co-ordinator
Current membership is 186 financial members.
New members – Macarthur Strata, Inland Digital, Narellan Sand & Soil, NSW Education, and Inform Stainless
Member’s spotlight video was shown by Local & Co Hampers.
Member Spotlight promo draw for February 2020 meeting – Brandie of Combined Commercial Pty ltd.
Members Facebook promo draw – Barry Grimes of Grimes Finance & Mortgages.
Shoutouts of thanks to current members – Ian and Leanne of Tony Wolf Quality Printers, Local & Co Hampers, and Neil from Imageology Photography.
Member Celebrations:
- Camden Mowing for 5 years in business
- Galloway Conveyancing for 15 years in business
- Raad and Alek from Carrington Care for 15 years of service
- Clinton’s 3rd year anniversary
Business Tip – Brad Hannagan, CEO of Lifeline Macarthur
Men’s Mental Health
- Don’t be afraid to ask if someone is struggling or suicidal
- Sit and listen, don’t try to fix
- Learn to recognise indicators of suicide risk
- Training creates self-awareness and suicide safer communities
- Become part of the conversation around men’s mental health
What’s On – Steve Moore, VP Communications
Steve advised the following upcoming events:
- Campelltown Chamber of Commerce – 20 November at Club Menangle
- Free Seminar for property hunters – 26 November at Gregory Hills Community Centre
- Funding for Women’s Leadership Development – www.wla.edu.au/funding.html
- Christmas in Narellan – Saturday, 16 November 2019 from 5pm
- Next Narellan Chamber meeting is The Christmas Party on Wednesday, 11th December at The Italian Food Project, Elizabeth Street, Camden from 6pm. Cost is $75 per person.
- Upcoming Argyle Affair – http://www.theargyleaffair.com/
Camden Valley Inn – Shaun Pereira
A short video was presented of the recently relaunched Camden Valley Inn.
Local Update – Harry Hunt
As President of the South West Sydney Tourism Taskforce Harry provided a brief update on:
- South West Sydney Tourism Taskforce
- New airport and tourism and jobs
- Digital Version of the Camden Tourism Map is available on the website – https://visitsouthwestsydney.com.au/
- An email has gone out about a private tour of the new Sydney Zoo
- Please join the South West Sydney Tourism Taskforce
Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Director
Sue acknowledged all the sponsors – Gold, Silver and Bronze. And the Support Partners and Media Partners.
Sue then introduced the evenings Bronze Sponsor for their presentation:
- Community First Credit Union
CIN Update – Ian Wolf, CIN Chairman
Ian Wolf provided the CIN update:
- 3 sleeps until Christmas in Narellan 2019
- 5pm – 8.30pm Saturday, 16 November
- Thank you to all the Sponsors
- Naming Rights Sponsor – Beauty Base
- Santa Sponsors – The Greater Narellan Business Chamber, Narellan Town Centre, Camden Council, Wisdom Homes, Rotary Club of Narellan, Macarthur Chronicle
- Star Sponsors – Caldwell Martin Cox, Absolutely Fabulous, Camden Hire, Narellan Sand & Soil, Commonwealth Bank, Vintage FM, Club Menangle, TRN Group, Camden Mowing, AGL, C9.3, Tony Wolf & Son Quality Printers, Funnells Electrical, Razzle Dazzle Hair
Speaker Presentation
Shaun introduced the evenings guest speaker – Pauline Nguyen
- I love myself today
- Books – Secrets of The Red Lantern, and The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur
- Mind-set, Health-set, Heart-set, Soul-set – all encompassing
- The universe will only hand to you what you can handle at that point in time
- Success = Growth + Gratitude
- Share the journey
- “Its not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change” Charles Darwin
- “Its not only survival of the fittest, it is survival of the most fitting”
- The life we live are the lessons we teach
- It is not the pursuit of happiness but happiness in the pursuit
- Persistency is the new currency – personal and organisational courage, resilience and grit
Shaun presented Pauline with a thank you gift.
Lucky Door Prize
Donated by Pauline Nguyen and won by Daniel of Brick Studios
Donated by Community First Credit Union and won by John & Dianne Gannon of Macarthur Lady Funerals
Donated by Community First Credit Union and won by Lawrence of Inland Digital
Donated by Camden Valley Inn and won by Inspired Energy
Closing Remarks – Shaun Pereira
Shaun thanked everyone for supporting another great meeting.
See you all at The Christmas Party on Wednesday, 11 December 2019 at The Italian Food Project, Camden from 6.00pm.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.07pm.