November General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
9 November 2022
Held at Wests Lakeside Golf Club Camden
The meeting was opened at 6.36pm
Welcome & President’s Report – Steve Moore, President
Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the traditional custodians of the land. He welcomed life member Tony Perich AM and his wife Cathy, and Ian Wolf, guest speaker Craig Rispin, and all the Chamber members in attendance and guests.
The Camden Local Business Awards were held last month and recognised the most outstanding Camden businesses across a number of categories.
Steve acknowledged several award winners who joined this meeting and asked them to stand and be congratulated:
- Sydney Drafting Concepts and Design – Professional Services
- Poplar Tourist Park – Tourist Accommodation
- Richardson & Wrench Narellan – Real Estate
- Politech Airconditioning – Service & Trade
- Diamond World Jewellers – Jewellery Store
- Miracle Skin Therapy – Beauty Business
- Louise Sparkes Pineapple Marketing & Promotions – Business Person of the Year.
Steve expressed that tonight will be a great meeting with some exciting presentations coming up along with a few networking opportunities.
He wished everyone a fantastic time that you will want to sign up as members straight away and attend our monthly events.
Tonight, you will hear from John Siemon, Director of Horticulture at the Royal Botanical Gardens about the significant investment taking place at the Mt. Annan site.
Also have presentations from some of our wonderful sponsors updating us on their operations and services.
And finally hear from our guest speaker Business Futurist and Cybersecurity advisor Craig Rispin.
Josephine Byrnes-Luna – Vice President
Roland Blackstone – Secretary
Denise Ora and Michael Elgey, Royal Botanical Gardens & Domain Trust
Secretary’s Report – Karina Rauch, Treasurer
Karina advised the Minutes from the October general meeting was on the website. The Minutes were moved by Jean Alim, seconded by Anne Parnham and accepted. Any business arising please contact Roland Blackstone, Secretary.
Treasurer’s Report – Karina Rauch, Treasurer
Karina presented the Treasurers Report for October and YTD 2022. Total income $ $8,991, YTD $57,481, total expenses $7,346, YTD $32,095, net profit $$1,691, YTD $25,513. Current cash at bank is $172,467. The report was moved by Jean Alim, seconded by Natalie Balabka and accepted.
Membership Update – Sandra Bartlett, Membership Director
New member introductions:
- Blueprint Logistics
- Clean & Green Recycling
- Park & Hills Lawyers
- Rion Capital Investments
- Safety Australia
- Mazen Zaidan
Member Spotlight Facebook Draw
- Alison Attard, BNI
Local Update – John Siemon, Director of Horticulture, The Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
- Botanic Gardens, more than just green space
- Mount Annan, Mount Tomah, The Domain, Sydney
- Changing Face of Western Sydney
- 6 Big Ideas
- Science, horticulture & learning
- Connection to country
- Globally unique nature experiences
- Tourism & events
- Sustainability & innovation
- Connected, preamble & equitable
Sponsorship Update – Kelly Stanford, Sponsorship Director
Gold Sponsor presentation by Greenfields Development Company
Silver Sponsor presentation by Stanford Solicitors
Bronze Sponsor presentation by CRG Plumbing & Maintenance
Speaker Presentation
Cara introduced Craig Rispin, a business futurist and innovation expert.
- More change in the last 3 years than the last 20 years
- How to think like a futurist
- Why should business leaders think like a futurist
- Some great reasons to think like a futurist
- Massive reduction in surprises
- The psychology of time
- Foresight and innovation are the only two things that can set you apart from your competition today
- The secret powers of time. “RSA Animate: the Secret Powers of Time” on YouTube
- Edelman Trust Barometer 2022
- Institutions seen as lacking a vision and purpose for the future
- The shift to the 4th industrial revolution was already underway
- We’re just at the start of the 4th industrial revolution, which is being driven by the fusion of the digital, biological and physical worlds
- Many experts predict the 4thIRs impact will be many orders of magnitude (x10) bigger than the 3rdIR – when you fuse digital and biology.
- COVID accelerated the change
- Deep learning AI
- AI is amplifying human talent and productivity in every area of work
- Beautiful.AI – AI powered presentation software
- Descript
- Headlime – Writing copy has never been easier
- Chorus
- Luxescape
Lucky Door Prize
Greenfields Development gift basket won by Kenzie from Kids of Macarthur
CRG Plumbing prize won by Mark Perich of Greenfields Developments
Stanfords Solicitors prize won by Lachlan Gelder of Marsdens Law Group
Closing Remarks – Steve Moore
Steve thanked everyone for attending and hoped everyone enjoyed the great guest speakers.
Breakfast with Chris Minns MP is being held on Monday, 28 November at Menangle Country Club in conjunction with Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce. 8am for 8.30am start.
Please support Admin Assistant Wendy White on her Worlds Greatest Shave, 3 December at 4pm at Menangle Country Club. That will include a corporate Christmas Wishing Tree initiative.
The next general meeting will be in February 2023 and information will be distributed at the appropriate time.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.42pm.