July 2024 General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
Wednesday 10th July 2024
Held at Camden Valley Inn
Meeting opened at 6:31pm
Welcome – President – Anne Parnham.
Welcome everyone please take your seats we are about the start our dinner meeting.
Housekeeping: please put your phones on silent and the toilets are:……………….
My name is Anne Parnham and I have the honour of being the president of The Greater Narellan Chamber of Commerce.
I would like to welcome our VIPS
Ian Wolf Life Member
Pania Gregson VP of Wollondilly Chamber of Commerce
And all our members and guests and our speaker Scott Taylor
And a big thank you to all our sponsors for being part of this great chamber.
Tony Perich AM Life Member
Lisa Hamilton Marketing Director
At this point I would like to inform all members and guests that The Greater Narellan Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit organisation made up entirely of volunteers giving their time during and out of working hours to enable the chamber to continue and unlike a lot of other chambers of commerce our board members pay for their meeting tickets we don’t get anything for free and as president i take the conflict of interest part of our constitution very seriously.
Can I now introduce our current board please stand
Roland Blackstone VP and Governance
Karina Rauch Treasurer
Sandra Bartlett Membership
Rachel Elliott Events Director
Lisa Hamilton Marketing
Carla upfill Meetings
Jason Haworth Sponsorship
There are pamphlets on your table to see what is happening with our chamber.
Our secretary’s report is on our website and our financial report is on your table for you to look over and if you have any questions please refer to our treasurer Karina Rauch.
Governence conference in June. Judge on NSW business awards and attended Sydney town hall. Camden Council – joined by Nicole here tonight. Held fantastic event women in Camden – so good. Different groups about dv and needs of homeless in area really good round table. CEO of Lifeline, apology. Raised $120k. Today I attended MacArthur Greeks – 10th anniversary at Art Centre. Heard history for last 200 years where Greeks have been involved. Daniel Fenech from Brick Studios movie. He’s going to have his premier event at Campbelltown events 16th August. MacArthur magazine – photos by kylie. Camden council – rely on our sponsors very important part of our Chamber. Speakers to get events together. Thank you because they’re going to be gold sponsors. Youth solutions black and white ball 27 July $155 2 x tickets left.
I will now introduce Sandy Bartlett for Membership.
Membership update – Sandra Bartlett
Member Spotlight Presentation
- Kelly Partners (Scott drew)
New member introduction:
- Belinda Anderson – Beltan Constulancy
- Blue Wren House
- Money Quest Finance Specialists
Introduce Jason for Sponsorship
2024/2025 Sponsorship Packages – Two openings for Silver – go through current sponsorship packages. Gold is filled up with Council coming on board.
What’s on – Roland Blackstone
Networking, exposure, reach, advertising, marketing, relationships – look at sponsorship packages – economic value v relationship value.
Details are on the Chambers website however noted:
- Mayors Winter Sleep out 26-27 July (Camden Council)
- Christmas In July Belgenny Farm 20 July
- Youth Solutions Black and White Ball 27 July The Cub
- WS Tourism Awards
- The Blind Sea August 15th Event Cinemas, Sydney Opera House on 11th August
- Daniel Brick Studios spoke about movie premier -19 tickets for Sydney Opera House Screening. Macarthur Premier.
- Blue Wren House Annual Gala Dinner Camden Lakeside 17th August
- Kids of Macarthur Womens Trust Luncheon
NETWORKING BREAK – Table Introductions
Scott Taylor – Staying Safe Online – Introduced by Carla
Q & A segment
Thank you gift was given to Gemma by Carla.
Lucky Door Prize
Gaily Murray – Bottle of Wine
Dimitri from Club Menangle – Wine
Closing Remarks – Anne
Reminded everyone that the sheet that Feedback form would be sent to all attendees via email.
Anne thanked our sponsors, speaker, venue and attendees.
The next meeting will be Premiers Breakfast on 21st August at Club Menangle Trackside
Meeting closed at 8:28pm with further networking.