August General Meeting Minutes
Breakfast with the Premier – General Meeting
4 August 2022
Held at Club Menangle Trackside
The meeting was opened at 7.10am
Welcome & President’s Report – Steve Moore, President
Steve welcomed everyone to the Premier’s Breakfast for 2022. He advised that unfortunately, the Premier has sent his sincere apologies he is unable to attend the meeting.
Disappointing though that may be, the meeting was joined by The Honourable Damien Tudehope, Minister for Finance, and Minister for Employee Relations and that the meeting was looking forward to hearing from the Minister.
Steve acknowledged the traditional owners.
Steve acknowledged the special guests – Peter Sidgreaves MP Member for Camden and a special thanks to him and his office for their assistance in organising this event. Also, Nathaniel Smith MP, Member for Wollondilly, Cr Therese Fedeli, Mayor of Camden, and Cr Matt Gould, Mayor of Wollondilly. Also Jim Marsden OAM and thank you for your continued support of the Chamber, and Club Menangle Director Bill Ellis OAM.
Steve acknowledged life members of the Chamber present Adriana Care and Ian Wolf along with immediate past president Shaun Pereira. Also Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce President Carlene Cardona.
He spoke of it being fantastic to be back at this event after the consecutive cancellations of the last 2 years. Together with the Board are proud to be able to return this event for 2022 welcoming so many government representatives, business leaders and school representatives from across southwest Sydney. Formally welcomed the team from Camden Council, and the many Councillors attending along with General Manager Ron Moore and Council employees. Steve thanked the Council for their ongoing support of the Chamber and acknowledged them as our most important local stakeholder in the advocacy of local businesses in our rapidly growing region. The Chamber applauds the quick action of the Camden Council in conjunction with State and Federal Government in assisting residents and businesses affected by the most recent major floods. The once in a lifetime floods which have occurred 4 times this year, paired with the ongoing effects of the pandemic have tested our businesses and community beyond measure.
Steve explained that Chamber operations and purpose were to support its members and advocate on their behalf with all relevant stakeholders. Never has there been a more important time for us all to band together in supporting each other and our region through this recovery. He encouraged all local businesses to join and attend the Chamber meetings to participate in our community and enjoy the benefits of networking, advocacy support and Business NSW Alliance Membership benefits.
Now although times are difficult right now, forecasts for the region over the next few years have truly limitless upside as we see the most significant infrastructure project in living memory installed just up the road from our homes and businesses.
The new Western Sydney Airport will place our region at the forefront of unprecedented investment from all forms of government. And the business Chamber is committed to advocating for the opportunities, amenities and transport linkages required for member businesses to flourish alongside the new airport. The new airport will provide countless job opportunities along with new vocational and tertiary education services critical to our enable community to learn, work and live in Western Sydney. And finally limiting the talent drain historically seen to the city. He highlighted that for school leavers who will soon have access to all the education opportunities they require, and high paying jobs based in our region rather than just in the city.
He was excited to welcome local high school leaders and school representatives from 12 local high schools across the region. Thank you for your attendance and we wish you the best in the remainder of your studies this year.
If anyone attending would like to get involved in future events of the Chamber, meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, the next meeting is the AGM on September 14th at the Woodlands Harrington Grove.
The Board is currently seeking nominations for a number of positions to assist in the advocacy mission. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please get in contact with the Chamber and stay tuned for our AGM notice and nomination form to be sent out tomorrow.
Steve also advised everyone attending, who the Chamber Sponsors were for this new financial year.
The Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Premier of NSW
Tony Perich AM
Arnold Vitocco
Jospehine Byrne-Luna, Vice President
Sandra Bartlett, Membership Director
Kirsti Reynolds, Marketing Director
Jose Ramirez, SipTel
Anne Parnham, Campbelltown Lighting Centre
Gold Sponsor Presentation
- Club Menangle
- Cr Therese Fedeli, Mayor of Camden Council
- Peter Sidgreaves MP, State Member for Camden
Guest Speaker
Peter Sidgreaves introduced The Hon Damien Tudehope MLC, Minister for Finance, and Minister for Employee Relations.
Audience Q&A
- From Daniel of Wests Group Macarthur – Secure energy supply needs.
- Support a conversation re nuclear energy.
- From Steve Moore of Club Menangle – How can you aid small business now facing different pressures post COVID.
- COVID orders no longer exist. Working with the Federal Government to address.
- From Lachlan Gelder of Marsdens Law Group – Camden is the fastest growing LGA, what is happening with the new train line.
- There is a process, working up costings, planning is well advanced for infrastructure.
Closing Remarks – Steve Moore
Steve thanked everyone for attending and supporting the breakfast even though the Premier was unable to attend.
The next general meeting will be on 14 September at Harrington Grove. It will be the AGM, and guest speaker will be from Business NSW.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.35am.