February General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
10 February 2021
Held at Menangle Country Club
The meeting was opened at 6.38pm.
Welcome – Steve Moore, Vice President
Steve acknowledged the meeting was being held on Tharawal land. He welcomed everyone to the first meeting for 2021. Steve acknowledged and welcomed Annabelle Daniel OAM, Tanya Whitehouse OAM both from Camden Women’s Shelter, Tamlyn van Zyst of Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce, Robert Marshal of Club Menangle, our guest speaker Gino Marra of Macarthur FC and our members and their guests.
Ante Milicic – Macarthur FC Coach
Emma Gatt – The Office Builders
President’s Report – Shaun Pereira, President
- Welcome everyone – great to have 100 people booked in for this meeting. Thank you to the team at Club Menangle for all your assistance with meetings.
- Gino Marra – congratulations for the win on the weekend.
- 2 months into 2021 and already seeing a positive impact on business with locals spending locally and a big push to support Australian business.
- A lot was learnt in 2020, with great interest rates and everyone dug deep to improve and support each other.
- We have led the way in the LGA with incentive programs and forward thinking led by Camden Council.
- A special thank you to the Board as their support is never ending and their main focus is our members.
- Shaun represents the Chamber on the Western Sydney Regional Advisory Council (WSRAC) which is headed by past President Steve Grabowski. A recent concern has been raised about the pressure on the RMS at Gregory Hills. Shaun is more than happy to write to representatives to advocate if there are more locations felt necessary. There is a push to have a branch in the Campbelltown LGA. With the growth being experienced in both LGAs this seems to be a logical option. If this is a concern to you, please contact Shaun to discuss.
- Congratulations to Harry Hunt for his recent Australia Day Award – Liverpool Senior Citizen of the Year 2020.
Secretary’s Report – Carla Upfill, Secretary
Carla advised the Minutes from 11 November 2020 were on the website and were moved by Shaun Pereira, seconded by Pania Gregson and accepted. No business was arising from those Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Karina Rauch, Treasurer
Karina presented the Treasurers Report as of 31 January 2021. Total income $11,487, total Expenses $10,387, net profit for January $1,100, net loss for YTD $9,562. Current cash at banks is $78,197. The report was moved by Pania Gregson, seconded by Leanne Wolf and accepted.
Membership Update – Sandra Bartlett, Membership Co-ordinator
Current membership is 174 financial members, with 26 renewals outstanding.
Of this are 4 New members – InvictusX, InnerSparQ, CareFlight and Circa Build Co.
Member Spotlight video for February was The Strictly Limited Company.
Member Shout Outs:
- John Payne of Gregory Hills Hotel congratulated Camden Mowing on being a successful tender and thanked them for the great work thus far.
- Lyn Nonnemacher of Hillross Macarthur thanked The Strictly Limited Company for everything they’ve done.
- Kelly Stanford of Stanford & Co Solicitors thanked Sue-Anne Collings of Guardian Funerals for looking after her family recently.
Member Spotlight promo draw for March 2021 meeting – Josephine Byrnes-Luna of Achieving Solutions.
Members Facebook promo draw – Debbie Ogden of Your Weight, Mobile Vehicle Weighing.
Business Tip – Anne Parnham, Owner of the Campbelltown Lighting Centre
Anne informed the meeting about “What If” and would your business continue.
- External influences
- “The Recession we had to have”
- Global Financial Crisis
- COVID-19
- Government regulations
- Internal influences
- Owner death or incapacitation
- Fraud
- Staff changes
- Sabotage
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedures
- Process
- Procedures
- Flowchart
- QMS: Quality Management Systems (formalised documents)
What’s On – Steve Moore
Steve advised the following upcoming events:
- 19 February – Youth Solutions High Tea at Rydges Campbelltown https://youthsolutions.com.au/get-involved/fundraise/2021-charitea-high-tea/
- 20 February – Macarthur Tourism, Travel and Events College – Barista Course https://mttec.com.au/
- 20 February – 6 March – Carnival of Miracles events at Club Menangle https://www.clubmenangle.com.au/events/
- 26 February – Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Charity Auction with The Living Room https://www.facebook.com/MotherHubbardsCupboardCamden/posts/1858866010931200
- 28 February – Markets at Camden Lakeside https://macarthur.com.au/events/markets-at-lakeside/
- 19 March – Youth Solutions Charity Golf Day https://youthsolutions.com.au/get-involved/fundraise/charity-golf-day-2021/
- 30 April – Combined charity event with TGNBC and Narellan Rotary to raise funds for Blue Wren House
- 10 May – Youth Solutions Ladies Movie Night at Events Cinemas Campbelltown https://youthsolutions.com.au/get-involved/fundraising-events/
Local Update – Camden Women’s Shelter – Annabelle Daniel OAM and Denise Pritchard
- Blue Wren House is the 8th project of Women’s Community Shelters and will be in the Camden LGA.
- Camden Council have located a Cottage that is now the project location for Blue Wren House.
- Tradies are required to assist with this Cottage.
- 75% of women escaping homeless or domestic violence are turned away from crisis accommodation services every day.
- 56,000 women are homeless across Australia each night.
- Domestic violence is the primary cause of women’s homelessness in Australia.
- What are the key challenges:
- Cost
- Intellectual property
- Leadership and staffing
- Project management
- What’s the future vision:
- To change the paradigm in Australia on domestic and family violence, community by community
- To take the shelter network Australia wide
- To provide an evidence based continuously improving best-practice approach to supporting women and children
- To collect outcomes-based data, share learnings and innovate based on these findings
- To encourage community mobilisation, participation and response
- https://www.camdenwomensshelter.org.au/
Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Sue presented a table contest to name the Chambers Sponsors.
The evenings Silver Sponsor was Carrington Care and Carla Upfill provided an update on the new projects occurring.
Speaker Presentation
Shaun introduced the evenings guest speaker – Gino Marra, Chairman of Macarthur FC.
- Only sporting franchise in the world that started during COVID
- Bulls in Schools
- Macarthur FC Indigenous Football Program
- Promoting Macarthur FC to the world
- Digital Insights
- Alone against everyone
- Do everything with integrity
- Thanked local sponsors – Clintons Motor Group, Club Menangle, McLaren Real Estate and Macarthur Square
Shaun Pereira – How did you overcome the naysayers
- Shirts – the first factory went broke in Wuhan China then did a deal with Macron
Anne Parnham of the Campbelltown Lighting Centre – Where do you see the Club in 5 years
- The back office end and team are now in place. We are a football team. If you make a mistake you’ve got to own it. Follow procedures. $ in youth development will/should produce our own team
Barrie Grimes of Grimes Finance – Why weren’t you able to use local feeder teams and have to buy from overseas
- We were let down locally
Robert Marshal of Club Menangle – What is the relation with players and social media
- Average age group is 23.5 years – they get stuck in it and we get upset. You’re a professional sportsman don’t answer back.
Scott Taylor of Blue Wren House – all underpinned by an incredible business and team culture – well done.
Shaun, Steve and Leanne thanked Gino and presented him with a gift.
Lucky Door Prize
Prize from Carrington Care – Sandra Bartlett of Stairway 2 Dreams
Yellow mystery gift – Garth Lewis of Alpha IT
Macarthur FC shirt for who could name their first player – David Miller of Scouts NSW Hume Region, and Geoff Rogers of Camden Valley Financial Services
Closing Remarks – Steve Moore
Steve thanked everyone attending and supporting the meeting.
See you all on March 10th at Camden Valley Inn – the guest speakers will be Clare McCabe and Sandra Bartlett.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.45pm.