May General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
11 May 2022
Held at Menangle Country Club
The meeting was opened at 6.30pm
Welcome & President’s Report – Steve Moore, President
Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Last week we were proud to offer an additional event in the form of a candidates panel for the upcoming federal election. We managed to have 7 of the 9 candidates for the seat of Hume in attendance with each getting the chance to speak about their policies and answer questions from our moderator Jim Marsden OAM and from the floor. It was a great morning where over 100 members and guests were able to leave with a more informed perspective about the decision they will make on May 21st.
Earlier in the month Steve participated in a community workshop for Camden Council’s Project Narellan initiative which aims to ready the Narellan CBD as a strategic centre to capitalize on the construction of the new Western Sydney Airport. Steve is excited that we are able to have David and Martin from Camden Council speak this evening to discuss the Project with you. Steve explained that at the last meeting, he believes this is a Project which aligns closely with the Chamber’s advocacy purpose and we should be playing an active role in guiding Council from a business perspective on projects such as these.
After 2 years of cancellations, the Chamber is excited to announce that the first Christmas in Narellan meeting was held this week. The 2022 event will be held on November 12th in partnership with events director Humm Events and this year the Board Liaison is the Events Director Brad Martino. Steve said the Chamber looks forward to regular updates from the Committee as they prepare for the return of this major community engagement event.
As everyone heads into the end of financial year, the Chamber approaches a new sponsorship term and Steve took the opportunity to thank all of the sponsors. The lack of face-to-face events through the lockdowns has resulted in a busy schedule for the remaining meetings of the year, members be seeing plenty of Nicole tonight as we hear from some of the terrific businesses who have been long term supporters of the mission of Narellan Chamber.
The support and patience of all the sponsors over the past few years has kept the Chamber afloat and allowed it to continue to offer value back to the members, which of course is the core purpose of being here. The Board has big plans for the new year to continue to grow the ways to support its members and it wouldn’t be possible without the ongoing support of the many sponsors. Steve and Board look forward to working with the members into the future, and if anyone needs any further details on becoming a sponsor or renewing please speak with Nicole Cusack our Sponsorship Director.
Tony Perich – Greenfields Estate
Sandy Bartlett – Membership Director
Carla Upfill – Carrington
Secretary’s Report – Roland Blackstone, Secretary
Roland advised the Minutes from April were on the website. The Minutes were moved by Karina Rauch, seconded by Josephine Byrnes-Luna and accepted. Any business arising please contact Roland Blackstone, Secretary.
Treasurer’s Report – Karina Rauch, Treasurer
Karina presented the Treasurers Report as of 30 April 2022. Total income $10,660, total expenses $8,497, net profit $2,170. Current cash at bank is $122,745. The report was moved by Josephine Byrnes-Luna, seconded by Geoff Neville and accepted.
Sponsorship Update – Nicole Cusack, Sponsorship Director
Nicole advised that the new financial year sponsorship packages were on the table to look at. Anyone wishing to commit to a sponsorship for 2022-2023 please contact her. All sponsor applications will be considered and closing is 24 June, and if there are too many then first in will be successful. She then introduced the following sponsors for their presentations:
Bronze Sponsor Presentation – South West Property Inspections
Bronze Sponsor Presentation – Start Fresh Accounting
Silver Sponsor Presentation – Fusion Shutters and Blinds
Gold Sponsor Presentation – Marsdens Law Group
Local Update – David Browley and Martin Cooper, Camden Council
- Project Narellan – Creating a new vision and plan for Narellan
- Process – Preliminary engagement, development of a new vision, refinement into place strategy, public exhibition of place strategy, and Council endorsement
- Strategic Context – A Metropolis of Three Cities, Western City District Plan, and Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Placemaking Principles – Connected and integrated, Green and pleasant, Clustered and multi focused, Vibrant and activated, Cultured and diverse, and Resilient and responsive
- Potential Opportunities – Eat street, civic node, Elyard Gardens precinct, Cross Creek and Nott Oval, and public art network
- Civic Node – a community heart, enhancing civic facilities, enhancing Narellan urban forest
- Eat Street – Activate Queen Street/Elyard Street, stimulated the night-time economy; and flexible event spaces
- Elyard Gardens Precinct – Increasing housing diversity, strengthening street grid layout; and activating Narellan urban forest
- Cross Creek and Nott Oval – Revegetate riparian corridor, activate key public spaces, and new pedestrian links
- Public Art Network – Activation of the public domain, placemaking opportunity for heritage interpretation, and consideration of diverse art installations
- yourvoice.amden.nsw.gov.au
- Next Steps
- Mid 2022 – Analyse community and stakeholder engagement
- Late 2022 – Prepare vision to guide future growth
- 2023 – Exhibit draft Place Strategy
What’s On – Steve Moore
On behalf of Carla, Steve advised the following upcoming events:
- Youth Solutions Charity Golf Day on Friday, 13 May at Campbelltown Golf Club
- Odyssey House Business Women’s Lunch on 13 May 2022
- Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce May meeting on 18 May 2022 at Campbelltown Catholic Club
- Ingleburn Chamber Business Lunch Special event on 20 May 2022 at Ottimo House with David Borger, Executive Director of Business Western Sydney
- Camden Rotary Mega Online Auction – 20 May 2022 from 6.30pm
- Çlub Menangle Pacing for Pink High Tea – Tuesday, 24 May
- Picton Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, 25 May at 6pm, Picton Bowling Club
- SWSAS Golf Day on 27 May at Campbelltown Golf Club
- Camden Brick Show on 28-29 May at Camden Civic Centre
- Lifeline “The Push Up Challenge” June 1-24
- Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation Viva Las Vegas Ball on Saturday, 4 June at The Club Campbelltown from 6pm
- Youth Solutions Annual Charity Event Flashback to Your Favourites on Saturday 30 July at Campbelltown Catholic Club from 6.30pm
Membership Update – Kirsti Reynolds, Marketing Director
1 new member has been reviewed and approved by the Board – Discovery Wealth Advisers.
Member Shout Outs:
- Karina Rauch thanked Roland Blackstone of Marsdens Law Group
- Damien Bleeker thanked Anne Parnham of Campbelltown Lighting Centre
Member Spotlight promo draw for June 2022 general meeting – Nevine Yousef of Marsdens Law Group.
Members Facebook promo draw for June 2022 – Rowan Gregson of Pestgo
Kirsti also advised that a marketing survey for research and data collection will be sent out shortly.
Speaker Presentation
Nicole Cusack introduced the guest speaker – Rod Stowe PSM, FRSN, former Commissioner for Fair Trading.
Rod delighted and informed that Chamber meeting about life “on the run” as the Fair Trading Commissioner, about what happens behind the scenes the public never knows about, and insights into how Government policy and legislation is made.
Q&A session:
- Steve Moore – biggest threats to consumer rights
- Ministerial Council disbanded for consumer protection. Conduct of business – blatantly to see failure, there is a gap
- Anne Parnham – Fair Trading inspectors for retail now products not Australian approved and coming in from overseas and are illegal
- Unfortunately law enforcement agencies don’t have enough staff and have to prioritise. Border Force cant monitor every shipment from overseas. Talk to the Departments not the Ministers, peoples support
Lucky Door Prize
Gift Hamper from Marsdens Law Group – Fusion Shutters and Blinds
Fusion Shutters and Blinds gift – Ben Wong of Marsdens Law Group
South West Property Inspections gift – Carly Allen of Wests Group Macarthur
Start Fresh Accounting gift – Phillip Lee of Clintons Toyota
Guardian Funerals wine – Sebastian of Marsdens Law Group, and Elise of Coutts Legal and Conveyancers
Closing Remarks – Steve Moore
Steve thanked everyone attending and supporting, especially the sponsors, tonight’s speaker and Club Menangle.
The next general meeting will be on June 8 for Breakfast at Rydges Campbelltown with Peter Mackey from NETM Western Sydney Parkland Authority as the guest speaker.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.15pm.