March General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
13 March 2019
Held at Harrington Grove Country Club
The meeting was opened at 6.47pm.
Welcome – Shaun Pereira, President
Shaun welcomed everyone to the NSW Election Candidate Forum evening. Special welcome to the guest speakers, Mayor Peter Sid Greaves, members of Camden Council, life members, Chamber members, and guests.
Apologies have been received from Debbie Roberts (CRET), Peter Roberts (P&D Roberts), Elisha Crismale (Evoke Visual Creations), Kate Demasi (Aspect Macarthur), Suelei Mingay (Hunts Liverpool), Cameron Garcia (CRG Plumbing).
Board Introductions
Shaun introduced the current Board members – Pania Gregson (VP General), Jean Galloway (Secretary), Amy Woodley (Treasurer), Renee Garcia (Membership Director), Kaisha Gambell (Marketing Director), Leanne Wolf (Events Director), Sue Robinson (Sponsorship Director) and Wade Thomas (Governance Director).
Shaun invited members and guests to introduce themselves to the Board members and raise with them any suggestions or concerns.
Shaun welcomed to the front of the room Mr Matt Leighton – Life member and Past President (24 years). Shaun announced that tonight was the 35th anniversary of The Greater Narellan Business Chamber. Matt shared a few memories and asked fellow Life member Mr Tony Perich AM to join him as they cut the cake for the anniversary.
President’s Report
Shaun updated the Chamber on recent developments and that the Board members had been busy developing plans for the future and networking in the community.
Secretary’s Report – Jean Galloway, Secretary
Jean advised the Minutes from 13 February 2019 were on the website. The Minutes were moved by Pania Gregson, seconded by Amy Woodley and accepted. No business was arising from the Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Amy Woodley, Treasurer
Amy presented the Treasurer’s Report as at 28 February 2019. Total held in the bank is $116,465.25. Net Profit to 28 Feb 19 is $10,938.49. The report was moved by Pania Gregson, seconded by Wade Thomas and accepted.
Membership Update – Renee Garcia, Membership Co-ordinator
Renee advised there are 186 financial members and welcomed 4 new members:
- Macarthur Media Group
- Michelle Pascoe
- Hutchinson Builders
- Mibu Medispa
There will be a Welcome to Chamber event in April for everyone that has joined in the last 12 months – information will come out soon.
The Members Facebook promo draw for April was won by Office Products Depot (Tom Limbrey).
Local Update – Shaun Pereira
The Chair of the Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET) addressed an article by the Greens NSW Candidate which was published on a recent social media forum.
The CRET Chair then provided an update on:
- CRET; and
- South West Justice Precinct
Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Director
Sue introduced the Sponsor presentations for the evening:
Silver Sponsor Presentation – Tony Wolf & Son Quality Printers
Silver Sponsor Presentation – Office Builders
Gold Sponsor Presentation – Marsdens Law Group
4 Core Values
NSW State Election Candidate Panel – Moderator, Jim Marsden OAM
Jim welcomed the panel to the stage:
- Karen Stewart – The Greens NSW
- Andrew Simpson – Independent
- Sally Quinnell – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
- Peter Sidgreaves – The Liberal Party of Australia New South Wales Division
Jim explained the rules of the panel discussions.
- Speakers to introduce themselves – maximum of 5 mins each with a bell at 4 mins
- Questions from Jim Marsden as moderator (5 mins each totaling 20 mins)
- Questions from members (5 mins each totaling 20 mins)
Jim introduced the panel for their 5 minute introductions (order by straw poll drawn earlier):
- Andrew Simpson
- Karen Stewart
- Peter Sidgreaves
- Sally Quinnell
Moderator Q&A
Q to Karen Stewart
Population surge and infrastructure
Q to Peter Sidgreaves
Do you believe the Camden electorate growth is appropriate with the infrastructure
Q to Peter Sidgreaves
Have you ever tried to park at Leppington Station after 10am
Q to Sally Quinnell
Development – excessive and population growth and greenfield development beyond capacity
Q to Andrew Simpson
Examples of poor planning and opportunities
Q to Karen Stewart
Trains, should they come down to Oran Park
Q to Peter Sidgreaves
Is $700m adequate for Campbelltown Hospital and is it the right place for that money
Q for Sally Quinnell
Is $700m adequate for Campbelltown Hospital and is it the right place for that money
Q for all
What is the current jobless rate in Camden
Members Q&A
Maryann Strickland (Camden Chamber of Commerce) to Peter Sidgreaves
– Macarthur Medical Research Institute – do you commit to the last $20m funding needed
Jim Marsden then asked Sally Quinnell, Andrew Simpson and Karen Stewart for their answers to the same question
Melissa Musgrave (Labor Branch) to Peter Sidgreaves
– How do you do both jobs as Mayor and if elected to the State position
Alvin Stone (Council Reporter) to Peter Sidgreaves
– What would make you cross the floor for the community
Jim Marsden asked Peter Sidgreaves to give an example if he were elected
Pania Gregson (Labyrinth Business Consulting) to All
– What will you do for the businesses in the area – ie to help lower the rent’s in Camden main street area
The order of answers was Peter Sidgreaves, Sally Quinnell, Andrew Simpson, Karen Stewart
Anne Parnham (The Lighting Centre) to All
– Give 2 positive constructive points for small business in the room
The order of answers was Karen Stewart, Andrew Simpson, Peter Sidgreaves, Sally Quinnell
Eva Campbell (local Camden business) to All
– Whats your attitude to IHAP (Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels), and what would the other 2 party candidates cross the floor for
The order of answers was Sally Quinnell, Peter Sidgreaves, Andrew Simpson, Karen Stewart
Jim Marsden thanked the panel for attending and being part of tonights Q&A.
The Chamber presented the panel members with small gifts of appreciation.
Please note all panel members declined to accept the gifts.
Lucky Door Prizes
Donated by BNI Sydney South West – won by Tony Estephen of Bringelly Nursery
Donated by Office Builders – won by Natalie Herd of Absolutely Fabulous
Donated by Tony Wolf & Son Quality Printers – won by Angela Martinez of Bella Arts
Donated by Office Builders – won by Garth Lewis of Alpha IT
Donated by Marsdens Law Group – won by Paul from Maytek IT
Donated by Office Builders – won by Hilda McAuley of TSA Sensis Yellow Pages
Sponsor printing prize from Tony Wolf & Son Quality Printers to be entered and drawn on 13 March 2019 – won by Alison Attard of BNI Sydney South West.
Closing Remarks – Shaun Pereira
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at Rydges Campbelltown. Guest speaker will be Ryan Felsman of CommSec on current finances and budgets. Arrival from 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start.
Shaun thanked everyone involved in getting the meeting ready for tonight and the members and guests for attending another great meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.55pm.