July General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
10 July 2019
Held at Harrington Grove Country Club
The meeting was opened at 6.58am.
1 Welcome – Shaun Pereira, President
Shaun welcomed everyone to the July breakfast meeting – VIPs, NSW Business Chamber, Chamber members, guests and acknowledged the mornings guest speaker – Kirk Duncan.
2 Apologies
Elisha Crismale – Evoke Visual Creations
Wade Thomas – Marsdens Law Group
3 President’s Report
Shaun advised:
- Tuesday, 10 September is the Premier’s Breakfast at Club Menangle. Tickets on sale now. Co-hosting with Picton Chamber of Commerce
- Attended a presentation at Wollondilly Council with Pania Gregson (VP General) by the NSW Minister for Finance and Small Business.
- Congratulations to all the winners of the Macarthur Region NSW Business Chamber Awards.
- Enjoying visiting and meeting the Sponsors of Chamber with Sue Robinson. Next week visiting the new Hillross office’s at Gregory Hills.
4 Secretary’s Report – Jean Galloway, Secretary
Jean advised the Minutes from 12 June 2019 were on the website and were moved by Sue Robinson, seconded by Pania Gregson and accepted. No business was arising from those Minutes.
5 Treasurer’s Report – Amy Woodley, Treasurer
Amy presented the Treasurers Report as at 30 June 2019. Surplus/Net Profit of $19,922. Current cash balance at the bank is $122,808. The report was moved by Geoff Ellis, seconded by Ian Wolf and accepted.
6 Membership Update – Renee Garcia, Membership Co-ordinator
Current membership is very fluid due to a lot of the renewals happening. If you haven’t yet renewed, please do so. The website and Xero will have sent you reminders and invoices.
New members – PECA Restaurant, Macarthur Lady Funerals, Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation and alive4Life.
Member’s spotlight drawn in June was not a member – please note if your business card is drawn out and you are not a member there needs to be a redraw.
Members Facebook promo from the last meeting was Paul Mingay.
Member spotlight drawn out for the August meeting was Joe Pomiecko of Clintons Motor Group.
Members Facebook promo draw – Jorge Lamas of Macarthur BMW.
Shoutouts of thanks to current members – Alpha IT, The Strictly Limited Company, and Coutts Legal & Conveyancing.
7 CIN Update – Ian Wolf, CIN Chairman
Ian Wolf provided the CIN update:
- $71,000 in sponsorship promised so far
- Thank you to all the sponsors who are coming on board.
- This year the CIN team are very dedicated to working with the sponsors – giving back and how best to promote them and their business and get foot traffic back to them.
8 NSW Business Chamber Awards
Trish (Executive Management for Events & Sponsorship) representing the NSW Business Chamber congratulated the winners of the recent Macarthur Region Awards. She presented plaques to those present:
- Local Chamber of Commerce – The Greater Narellan Business Chamber
- Excellence in Business – Wakeling Automotive
- Regional Business of the Year – Wakeling Automotive
The State Awards will be held at the Sydney ICC on 22 November.
Trish also presented finalist certificates to those present:
- John McDonald Building Services
- Club Menangle
- Wakeling Automotive
9 CRET Update – Debbie Roberts
Congratulations to the award winners.
Potential grant for the Visit Camden app for tourism. If you live in the Camden LGA please vote.
Annual CRET Survey – on tables, please complete.
September 6th CRET are hosting a Long Lunch with Chef Luke Mangon in conjunction with MWLP at Camden Civic Centre. Sponsorship is available. Limited to 100 people.
November 14th CRET & Camden Council are hosting the CEO of the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis for an update at Council.
10 Business Tip – Geoff Ellis of the Business Development Centre Macarthur
- The time problem (why you don’t have time)
- Don’t rise early
- Multitask too much
- Don’t track or budget time
- Not being organised
- Don’t prioritise
- Easily distracted
- No daily routine
- Too concerned with being fast
- Don’t regularly review schedules
- Negative or bad attitude
- Prioritise tasks – Urgent -vs- Important
- The Eisenhower Matrix – How to make decisions on what’s urgent & important
- Track time – it’s a limited resource
- Billing your clients
- Keeping projects profitable
- Improving your prices
- Making more accurate estimates (quotes)
- Managing your team better
- Creating a record of your work
- Improving how you work
- Apps to assist – but you have to use them
- Task management – www.todoist.com
- Time tracking – www.toggl.com
11 What’s On – Sue Robinson
Sue advised the following upcoming events:
- Campelltown Chamber of Commerce – 17th July
- Youth Solutions Annual Charity Event – 27th July
- CRET Social Media – 12 August
Social Media 101
Business Connect workshop to be held at Camden Region Economic Taskforce
Date: Monday 12th August
Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Tickets: $25
Tickets available on the CRET website - OCAGI Night of Knights – 17th August
- Carrington Care Annual Fete – August 2019
12 Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Sue reminded everyone on the benefits of being a sponsor and that the new packages were available.
Sue then introduced the nights Silver Sponsor for their presentation:
- Carrington Care
13 Speaker Presentation
Shaun introduced the morning’s guest speaker – Kirk Duncan, The Mobile Apps Man.
Kirk spoke on Powering Innovation & Changing the Way Modern Businesses Work with Innovative Solutions!
Kirk’s Tips
- Do something
- Be proactive today – be enactive now
- Manage and maintain customer relationships, track sales leads, marketing & pipelines
- Engage target audience, keep track and mange multiple social media channels in one place with Hootsuite
- Manage time, productivity and team projects with Tello
- Build and leverage strong cybersecurity
- Establish data and analytics tracking
- Bring your audience data, marketing channels and insights together with Mailchimp
Shaun presented Kirk with a thank you gift.
14 Lucky Door Prize
Donated by Kirk Duncan and won by Sandra Bartlett of Stairway 2 Dreams
15 Closing Remarks – Shaun Pereira
The next meeting is the AGM and will be held on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 at Harrington Grove Country Club – 6.00pm for 6.30pm start.
Tuesday 10 September is the Premier’s Breakfast at Club Menangle – tickets available now – book early.
Shaun thanked everyone for committing to attending the breakfast meeting – another great meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.02 am.