September Annual General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting & AGM
9 September 2020
Held at Menangle Country Club
The meeting was opened at 6.46pm.
Welcome – Shaun Pereira, President
Shaun welcomed everyone to the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the first since March 2020. He thanked Club Menangle (tonight’s Gold Sponsor) for helping make the event COVID safe for all to attend. He also welcomed Camden Mayor Theresa Fedeli and Mr Fedeli, former State Member for Camden Chris Patterson, Life Member Ian Wolf, and Debbie Roberts of CRET. Also, a warm welcome to Chamber members and guests.
Geoff Ellis – Macarthur BDC
Tony & Cathy Perich – Narellan Town Centre
Secretary’s Report – Jean Galloway, Secretary
Jean advised the Minutes from 11 March 2020 were on the website and were moved by Sue Robinson, seconded by Leanne Wolf and accepted. No business was arising from those Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Amy Woodley, Treasurer
Amy presented the Treasurers Report as at 31 August 2020. Current Net Profit for August is ($1,230), and total held at the bank is $95,905. The report was moved by Jean Galloway, seconded by Sandra Bartlett and accepted.
Amy was pleased to advise the meeting that the Board had decided to donate $500 to each of the charities that are members of the Chamber. Due to COVID-19 they have all had to cancel their fundraisers for the year.
Membership Update – Sandra Bartlett, Membership Co-ordinator
Current membership is at 205. Membership renewals that were delayed by 6 months due to COVID-19 are now starting to be emailed out.
New members – Austbrokers AIE Pty Ltd, Gem Complete Health Services Pty Ltd, Idea Place Marketing, Indigo Interior Decorating, Macarthur Energy, Macarthur FC, Seed Organics Botanic Alchemy Pty Ltd, and Value Selling Academy.
Sandy was able to congratulate the following for their business anniversaries:
- Ian Wolf – 59 years in business
- Anne Parnham – 40 years in business
- Angela Martinez – 19 years in business
Sponsorship Update – Sue Robinson, Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Sue thanked and acknowledged all the Chambers Sponsors. Due to COVID-19 all sponsorships have been extended till March 2021.
Sue introduced tonight’s Gold Sponsor – Bruce Christison and Steve Moore of Club Menangle for their presentation.
Sue then interviewed the evenings Silver Sponsor – Amy Woodley of Start Fresh Accounting.
Outgoing President’s Report – Shaun Pereira
Shaun thanked Amy Woodley for being a great Treasurer for the Board.
Shaun reflected on what a year with the pandemic.
- They looked into their own business and family and goals
- Missed seeing everyone each month and excited to be here tonight
- Room fits 100 and tonight there is 90+
- Chamber goals had to be adjusted, sadly postponing the Premier’s Breakfast to 2021
- Grown membership and maintained members
- Gregory Hills Hotel is where member functions are also held
- Council and CRET are great supporters of the Chamber
- The Chamber is the advocate for our Region
- Financially strong
- Always looking to change – definitely a progressive Board
- Initiative with Macarthur BDC for 2 Scholarships:
- Nictricious
- Macarthur Energy
Shaun thanked the current/outgoing Executive Board:
Pania Gregson – VP General
Steve Moore – VP Communications
Amy Woodley – Treasurer
Jean Galloway – Secretary
Jean Alim – Governance
Kaisha Gambell – Marketing
Sue Robinson – Sponsorship
Leanne Wolf – Events
Sandra Bartlett – Membership
Shaun thanked those stepping off the Executive Board tonight – Amy Woodley, Jean Galloway and Kaisha Gambell.
After a dinner break, Shaun then handed over to Returning Officer, Anne Parnham to facilitate the AGM.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM was opened at 7.25pm.
Returning Officer, Anne Parnham welcomed members and guests and introduced Josephine Byrnes-Luna as the official scrutineer. Anne also congratulated the outgoing Board on a successful year.
Acceptance of 2019 AGM Minutes
Secretary, Jean Galloway, asked for someone to move that the Minutes of the 2019 AGM be accepted. Moved by Sandra Bartlett, seconded by Jean Alim and accepted.
2020 Financial Year Financial Report
Treasurer, Amy Woodley, presented the audited accounts for the 2020 financial year. She thanked John Dickie & Co for their co-operation in getting the audit completed for the AGM and advised they were a true and accurate record. The Report was moved by Leanne Wolf, seconded by Sue Robinson and accepted.
Election of Board of Directors
Anne declared all positions vacant. Nominations were called, and received for all roles as follows:
- President – Shaun Pereira
- Vice President – Steven Moore
- Secretary – Carla Upfill
- Treasurer – Karina Rauch
- Special Projects Director – Pania Gregson
- Events Director – Leanne Wolf
- Marketing Director – Damian Bleeker
- Membership Director – Sandra Bartlett
- Sponsorship Director – Sue Robinson
- Governance Director – Jean Alim
As only one nomination was received for all positions, Anne declared that all the positions have been filled.
The AGM was declared closed at 7.29pm.
Incoming Presidents Address – Shaun Pereira
Shaun thanked Anne and Josephine for the AGM. He thanked the outgoing Board and acknowledged he was looking forward to working with the new Board for the year ahead.
Welcome to Damian, Karina and Carla as the incoming Board members.
The 2 Vice President roles (General and Communications & Marketing) have been merged into the position of Vice President (Steve Moore) and a new role of Special Projects (Pania Gregson) created.
2020-2021 is about moving forward and continuing the way forward
Shaun said he looked forward to the year ahead and continuing to be a part of the Region we live in.
Guest presentation
Darren Carr – Comedian Ventriloquist
Thank You’s
Shaun thanked Anne and Josephine for the AGM and presented them with flowers.
He also thanked Kaisha and Amy and Jean for all their hard work and presented them with flowers and asked that they come back and visit often.
Lucky Door Prize
Hamper – Tina Edney of MYTEC
Whiskey – Karina Rauch of Kelly Partners
Club Menangle Voucher – Clare McCabe of MacPac HR
Surprise Gift – Brooke of Local & Co Hampers
Closing Remarks – Shaun Pereira
The next meeting is being held on Wednesday, 14 October 20202 at Club Menangle – 6.00pm for 6.30pm start. Guest speaker is Danielle Di-Masi on Adapting to rapid changes to grow your business in the future. Co-hosting with the Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET).
Shaun thanked Leanne for organising the evening and also Bruce & Club Menangle for being gracious hosts, and everyone for attending the evenings AGM meeting – another great meeting and glad to be back.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.32pm.