November General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
13 November 2024
Held at Woodlands at Harrington Grove
The meeting was opened at 6.35pm
Welcome & President’s Report – Roland Blackstone, President
Roland welcomed everyone to the meeting including Life Members Tony Perich AM and Cathy Perich, and Adriana Care, President of Wollondilly Business Chamber, Pania Gregson, former President TGNBC Anne Parnham, and guest speaker Jessica Cortis from the Western Sydney International Airport. He also welcomed all members, their guests to the meeting.
Roland provided an update of what events and meetings he had attended during the past month.
Luisa Gaetani – Secretary, Coutts Lawyers & Conveyancers
Kylie Lyons – Photographer, HandPrint Photography
Raad Richards, Carrington Care
Daniel Fenech, Brick Studios
Membership Update – Tony Bonanno, Membership Director
Roland introduced Tony Bonanno as the new Membership Director for TGNBC.
- All members get value
- Members have a voice
- Have a boost in membership
Sponsorship Update – Jason Haworth, Sponsorship Director
- Gold Sponsor Narellan Town Centre
- Silver Sponsors Fusion Shutters & Blinds
The Office Builders - Bronze Sponsor Macarthur Lady Funerals
What’s On – Lisa Hamilton, Marketing Director
- 26 November Flagstaff, Disability Inclusion Workshop
- 26 November SSI, Pathways to Possibilities Report Launch
- 28 November Mitronics, Networking Business Lunch & Learn
- 10 February Disability Macarthur, Charity Golf Day
- 6 March Camden Council, International Womens Day Gala
- 11 March Victress Connection, Dinner with Gemma Acton
Networking Break
Speaker Presentation
Jessica Cortis – Western Sydney International Airport Overview and Update
Q&A session
Lucky Door Prize
Ms Reynolds – Fusion Shutters & Blinds gift
Sarah Nodwell of Flagstaff Group – Macarthur Ladys Funerals gift
Roslyn Bonanno of Rotary Club of Gregory Hills Next Gen – The Office Builders gift
Closing Remarks – Roland Blackstone
Roland thanked everyone for attending and especially Jessica for tonight’s update presentation.
Thank you to all the sponsors and the InKind Sponsors. Moira Vella was the photographer for this meeting.
The next meeting is the Christmas Party on 11 December at Barenz Camden from 6.30pm @ $69 per person.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.10pm.